Fred Hutch Obliteride 2018
The winter months in Western Washington may not get as cold as the mid-west or eastern winters… but they get cold enough. Fortunately, with the right gear and attitude, you can get your winter riding miles in to maintain that cardio base so that you are peaking at the right time during the high-summer cycling season.
The promise of summer and some great traditional rides via Cascade Bicycling Club is enough to keep one warm on even the coldest of days. Last year, the three day event attracted 2000 plus riders that participated in rides in and around the Seattle area. Riders can register individually or register with a team. Of course we hope that you are interested in joining ours! Team #WeRideWhy zulily! Our team is committed to raising $15,000. 00 for cancer research for Fred Hutch. Obliterate 2018 takes place August 10-12. The rides will all finish at Gasworks Park in Seattle, followed by a celebration with live music.
Obliteride has built a dedicated community of riders, donors, sponsors and volunteers that have raised over $11 million for cancer research at Fred Hutch! In 2018 Obliteride will celebrate it’s 6th year. If you love cycling and have a passion to use your prowess to help #CureCancerFaster, we invite you to register and ride with our team.
To donate or register with #TeamRideWhy for Obliteride 2018 go here.